
Posts Tagged ‘melanoma’

Melanoma: The Warning Signs and the Importance of Early Detection

Melanoma is a malignant tumor that originates from the uncontrolled overgrowth of specialized skin cells known as melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigmentation.  These growths can originate from pre-existing moles or nevi, or they can even arise de novo.  Melanoma can become aggressive and invasive quickly, so early detection warrants the best prognosis with treatment.  Melanoma can present anywhere on the body, but it can be commonly found in the legs of women and on the soles of the African-American population.

There are 5 different types of melanoma including superficial spreading melanoma, nodular melanoma, lentigo maligna melanoma, acral lentiginous melanoma, and amelanotic melanoma.  The most common type is superficial spreading melanoma which often starts as a small discolored lesion with irregular borders which can either be flat or raised.  This type does spread superficially before invading deeper tissues, but that does not provide an excuse to delay seeking medical attention.

With any discoloration of the skin, it is advised to keep close observation of the lesion and be aware to the ABCDE’s.  One should make note if there is any asymmetry, if borders become irregular, if there is color changes or varying pigmentation in the nevus, the diameter since larger nevi are more likely to become malignant, and finally any elevation of the nevus.  Another warning sign in the case of subungual (acral lentiginous) melanoma is Hutchinson’s sign, which is pigment changes in the skin at the base of nails. Noticing any significant changes such as these, it will warrant a biopsy be performed to diagnose and stage it’s progression.  Sometimes in the more serious cases when diagnosed promptly, only superficial excision is necessary.  However, with delay in detection and extensive invasiveness of the tumor, more extensive surgery may be necessary.

If you have questions about melanoma and other skin abnormalities related to the foot and leg, we have much more information on our For an appointment please call our office at 305.220.3636 or visit our website for an appointment request. You can also sign up for our newsletter and request my FREE podiatry book.

Jorge F. Nasr, DPM
11760 Bird Road, Suite 610
Miami, FL 33173